Advertise on our Gen Z marketplace.

We have a growing Gen Z candidate pool that is actively looking for job opportunities.

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You're in good company...

🦄 Connect with Gen Z

Meet Gen Z where they are and not where you want them to be. Start thinking outside the box and get your opportunities seen.

Imagine Netflix, but for jobs

Become part of a growing network of Gen Z candidates looking for job opportunities.


Brand Yourself

Be more than just a job advert. Possibilities are limitless so why restrict yourself?

Show your brand, culture and people through engaging Video ads. Attracting the right talent that vibes with your energy has never been easier.


Connect with the right talent

Gen Z are video driven. Connect with Video, connect with them.

Did you know that nearly two-thirds of millennials would rather watch a video from a brand than read a text? What are you waiting for?


Access CVs of candidates

Why not tap into our candidates’ CVs and reach out to them?

We have a growing pool of candidates that are actively looking for jobs though us, so why not add them into the mix?

Simple pricing, for everyone.

We help all clients brand themselves to attract a younger demographic of talent, regardless of size.


£0/mo Billed annually

  • 300 Monthly Views Included
  • 1 Advert
  • Complimentary ATS Service
  • Unlimited Vacancies
Get started


£99/mo Billed annually

  • 10000 Monthly Views Included
  • Up to 3 Adverts
  • Complimentary ATS Service
  • Job Stats Included
  • Unlimited Vacancies
Get started


£220/mo Billed annually

  • 60000 Monthly Views Included
  • Unlimited Adverts
  • Integrate with your ATS
  • Job Stats Included
  • Complimentary ATS Service
  • Unlimited Vacancies
Get started

Frequently asked questions

If you can’t find what you’re looking for, email our support team.

    • Can I only pay for one product?

      Yes! Our products are designed based on your needs as a company. You can use multiple, all or one singular product depending on your needs.

    • Who creates the video for the VideoAd product?

      We have content creators that are ready to create your company videos within 3 days. We can help you script the video based on your job description to achieve a creative and engaging short video. If you have your own resources you are also welcome to create your own videos and upload them.

    • What do I do with the VideoAd product?

      On your dashboard you will receive a link to the videoAd product. We encourage you to share this link across your social media channels including Linkedin. You can also share it on job sites to reach a wider audience. Stand out from your competitors via an engaging video!

    • Why should I commission a videoAd instead of writing a job description on a job board?

      When was the last time you read a job description? Job descriptions tend to be long, boring and time-consuming. We provide you with a tool to create an engaging experience and be more transparent as a company. Engage and attract a video-driven generation of talent to your organisation.

    • Can you find candidates for us?

      We have a Gen Z marketplace in the UK that is constantly growing with users looking for job opportunities. We operate in London, Glasgow and Edinburgh and have a number of University partners we work with.

    • How does it work if I want to use all of your products?

      Our products are most effective if they are used simultaneously to successfully achieve your recruitment campaign. Simply commission our videoAd and see your job posts automatically added to all of our marketplaces including the Website, iPhone and Android Apps.

    • Where can I view all my applicants?

      All applicants can be viewed on your dashboard. See their most relevant information and contact them easily through email or in-app messages.

    • Can I share access to the Dashboard with my team?

      Yes, you can! We provide separate recruitment accounts for your different venues or teams at no extra cost.

    • How do I add the VideoAd to social media?

      Linktree is a great tool for you to share all your links. Include your VideoAd there! If you want to advertise the video on your social media as a paid campaign simply download the video and upload to TikTok, Instagram or Facebook.